1st Hörnli-Kidsrun 4 July in the afternoon

Th run for kids and families

The Hörnli-Kidsrun is the run for children and families. The very young can run with their parents in the ELKI run and gain their first experience.

The course is flat and therefore relatively easy to manage.


Time table

1 pm - 2.30 pm

Concert with Marius von der Jagdkapelle, Party tent, Obere Matten, Zermatt

3 – 3.20 pm

Warm-Up and Route inspection with Jael Lorenz

3.30 - 5.30 pm

Hörnli-Kidsrun with different categories Start & Finish Obere Matten


price ceremony Hörnli-Kidsrun Party tent Obere Matten, Zermatt



ELKI (kid and a parent) 2019 and younger

= 420 Meter (1 Round) Start 3.30 pm

Boys D (2017 and younger)

= 420 Meter (1 Round) Start 3.45 pm

Girls D (2017 and younger)

= 420 Meter (1 Round) Start 3.55 pm

Boys C (2015 – 2016)

= 420 Meter (1 Round) Start 4.10 pm

Girls C (2015 – 2016)

= 420 Meter (1 Round) Start 4.20 pm

Boys B (2013 – 2014)

= 840 Meter (2 Rounds) Start 4.30 pm

Girls B (2013 – 2014)

= 840 Meter (2 Rounds) Start 4.45 pm

Boys A (2011 – 2012)

= 1'260 Meter (3 Rounds) Start 5 pm

Girls (2011 – 2012)

= 1'260 Meter (3 Rounds) Start 5.20 pm



 • Each child receives a medal and a Wolli cookie at the finish line

• The best categories (ranking 1 - 3) receive a prize

Award ceremonies (all categories)

• From 5.40 pm at the party tent Obere Matten, Zermatt